The Movies of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill

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1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979


A Bud Spencer Movie A Terence Hill Movie Picture of I'm for the hippopotamus (30 kb) Cast of I'm for the hippopotamus Whistling from I'm for the hippopotamus (20 kb) The song 'Wrauw' (performed by Bud Spencer) from I'm for the hippopotamus (62 kb) 2 pictures of I'm for the hippopotamus (61 kb) Abstract of I'm for the hippopotamus Danish cover of I'm for the hippopotamus (71 kb) Poster of Cul et chemise (27 kb)
Italian Italian: Io sto con gli ippopotami
English English: I'm for the hippopotamus
German German: Das Krokodil und sein Nilpferd
Hungarian Hungarian: Én a vízilovakkal vagyok
Dutch Dutch: Vier vuisten op Safari
Danish Danish: Vi holder med flodhestene
French French: Cul et chemise
Finnish Finnish: Mutaa kuonoon sanoo virtahepo
Portugese Portugese: Nós jogamos com os hipopótamos
Spanish Spanish: Yo Estoy Con El Hipópotamo
Swedish Swedish: Vi håller på flodhästarna
Year: 1979
Terence Hill as: Slim
Bud Spencer as: Tom
Directed by: Italo Zingarelli
Music by: Walter Rizzati

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A Bud Spencer Movie Cast of Flatfoot on the Nile Song from Flatfoot on the Nile (722 kb; 1:29) Poster of Piedplat sur le Nil (23 kb)
Italian Italian: Piedone d'Egitto
English English: Flatfoot on the Nile
English English: Flatfoot in Egypt
German German: Plattfuss am Nil
Hungarian Hungarian: Piedone Egyiptomban
Swedish Swedish: Flatfoot rensar Nilen
Danish Danish: Stromeren slaa til igen
Spanish Spanish: Un Superpolicía En Egipto
French French: Pied plat sur le Nil
Finnish Finnish: Turpa kiinni, krokotiili!
Dutch Dutch: De eenmansbrigade raast door Egypte
Polish Polish: Wielka Stopa w Egipcie
Year: 1979
Bud Spencer as: Inspector Rizzo
Directed by: Steno
Music by: Guido & Maurizio de Angelis
Related movies: The Flatfoot Cop (1973)
Flatfoot goes East (1975)
The Knockout Cop (1976)

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A Bud Spencer Movie A Terence Hill Movie Picture of Odds and Evens (18 kb) Cast of Odds and evens Picture of Odds and Evens (19 kb) Cover of Even en oneven (32 kb) Poster of Pair et impair (26 kb)
Italian Italian: Pari e dispari
English English: Odds and evens
English English: Trinity - Gambling for high stakes
German German: Zwei sind nicht zu bremsen
Hungarian Hungarian: És megint dühbe jövünk
French French: Pair et impair
Danish Danish: Lige eller ulige
Finnish Finnish: Senkka nenästä pojat
Spanish Spanish: Pares Y Nones
Swedish Swedish: Udda eller jämnt
Dutch Dutch: Even en oneven
Japanese Japanese: Japanese title
Slovenia Slovenian: Par - nepar
Polish Polish: Hazardowe szalenstwo
Year: 1978
Terence Hill as: Johnny Firpo
Bud Spencer as: Charlie Firpo
Directed by: Sergio Corbucci
Music by: Guido & Maurizio De Angelis

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A Bud Spencer Movie Cast of They called him Bulldozer Cover of Bulldozer (39 kb) Theme from They called him Bulldozer (0:59; 729 kb)
Italian Italian: Lo chiamavano Bulldozer
English English: They called him Bulldozer
English English: Uppercut
German German: Sie nannten ihn Mücke
Hungarian Hungarian: Akit bulldózernek hívtak
Danish Danish: De kaldte ham Bulldozer
Spanish Spanish: Lo Llamaban Bulldozer
Swedish Swedish: Dom kallar mig Bulldozer
French French: Mon nom est Bulldozer
Norwegian Norwegian: Jeg, en bulldozer
Slovenia Slovenian: Imenovali so ga Buldozer
Dutch Dutch: Bulldozer
Year: 1977
Bud Spencer as: Bulldozer
Directed by: Michele Lupo
Music by: Guido & Maurizio De Angelis

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A Terence Hill Movie Cast of March or die Picture of March or die (39 kb) DVD cover of March or die (12 kb) Poster of Il etait une fois la legion (26 kb) Poster of Marschier oder stirb (13 kb)
Italian Italian: La bandera, marcia o muori
English English: March or die
German German: Marschier oder stirb
German German: In der Wüste ist der Hölle los
French French: Il était une fois la légion
Hungarian Hungarian: Menni vagy meghalni
Finnish Finnish: Marssi tai kuole
Spanish Spanish: Marchar O Morir
Japanese Japanese: Japanese title
Polish Polish: Kto nie maszeruje, ten ginie
Year: 1977
Terence Hill as: Marco Segrain
Directed by: Dick Richards
Music by: Maurice Jarre

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A Terence Hill Movie Cast of Mr. Billion Picture of Mr. Billion (13 kb)
Italian Italian: Mr. Miliardo
English English: Mr. Billion
English English: The windfall
German German: Mr. Billion
Spanish Spanish: Mr. Billón
French French: On m'appelle Dollars
Japanese Japanese: Japanese title
Polish Polish: Miliarder
Year: 1977
Terence Hill as: Guido Falcone
Directed by: Jonathan Kaplan
Music by: Dave Grusin

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A Bud Spencer Movie Picture of The Knock Out Cop (31 kb) Abstract of The Knock Out Cop 16 Screenshots from The Knock Out Cop Cast of The Knock Out Cop The Knockout Cop (1:29, 231 kb)
Italian Italian: Piedone l'Africano
English English: The Flatfoot Cop
English English: The Knock Out Cop
English English: Flatfoot
German German: Plattfuss in Afrika
Hungarian Hungarian: Piedone Afrikában
French French: Inspecteur Bulldozer
Danish Danish: Stromeren slaar knockout
Spanish Spanish: Pies Planos El Africano
Spanish Spanish: Puños Fuera
Finnish Finnish: Lättäjalka
Dutch Dutch: Inspecteur Platvoet slaat alles
Polish Polish: Wielka Stopa w Afryce
Year: 1977
Bud Spencer as: Inspector Rizzo
Directed by: Steno
Music by: Guido & Maurizio De Angelis
Related movies: The Flatfoot Cop (1973)
Flatfoot goes East (1975)
Flatfoot on the Nile (1979)

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A Bud Spencer Movie A Terence Hill Movie Link to Finnish description Picture of Crime Busters (29 kb) Cast of Crime Busters 34 Screenshots from Crime Busters (325 kb) Theme Crime Busters (2:00, 311 kb) Poster of Deux Superflics (28 kb) Poster of Zwei ausser Rand und Band (25 kb)
Italian Italian: I due superpiedi quasi piatti (1976)
English English: Two Supercops (1976)
English English: Crime Busters (1980)
English English: Trinity - In trouble again
German German: Zwei ausser Rand und Band (1977)
Hungarian Hungarian: Bûnvadászok
Finnish Finnish: Turpiin vaan ja onnea (1977)
Dutch Dutch: Twee door dolle heen (1977)
Dutch Dutch: De vier vuisten bij de politie
Danish Danish: Pas paa, politiet kommer
French French: Deux super flics
Spanish Spanish: Dos super-policías
Spanish Spanish: Dos Contra El Crimen
Spanish Spanish: Dos Superpolicías Fuera De Orden
Swedish Swedish: Supersnutarna
Japanese Japanese: Japanese title
Polish Polish: Lapizbiry (1976)
Year: 1976/1977/1980
Terence Hill as: Matt Kirby
Bud Spencer as: Wilbur Walsh
Directed by: Enzo Barboni
Music by: Guido & Maurizio De Angelis

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A Bud Spencer Movie Abstract of Charleston Picture of Mr. Estafas S.A. (39 kb) Cast of Charleston
Italian Italian: Charleston
English English: Charleston
German German: Charleston
German German: Zwei Fäuste räumen auf
Spanish Spanish: Mr. Estafas S.A.
Spanish Spanish: El Incorregible Mentiroso, Charleston
French French: L'embrouille
Hungarian Hungarian: Charleston
Year: 1976
Bud Spencer as: Charleston
Directed by: Marcello Fondato
Music by: Guido & Maurizio De Angelis

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A Bud Spencer Movie Cast of Soldier of fortune Tune from Soldier of fortune (0:16, 46 kb) Anecdotes of Soldier of fortune
Italian Italian: Il soldato di ventura
English English: Soldier of fortune
German German: Hector, der Ritter ohne Furcht und Tadel
French French: La grande bagarre
Hungarian Hungarian: A zsoldoskatona
Spanish Spanish: El Soldado Aventurero
Dutch Dutch: De grote strijd
Polish Polish: Zolnierz najemny
Year: 1975
Bud Spencer as: Hector Fieramosca
Directed by: Pasquale Festa Campanile
Music by: Guido & Maurizio De Angelis

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A Terence Hill Movie Cast of The genius Picture of The Genius (5 kb) Theme of The Genius (1:56; 305 kb) Frontcover of The Genius - Dutch (62 kb) Frontcover of The Genius - German (41 kb) Tune from The Genius: Doc Foster plays poker (0:29; 80 kb) Tune from The Genius: Duel between Doc Foster and Nobody (0:16; 46 kb)
Italian Italian: Un genio, due compari, un pollo (1975)
English English: The Genius (1975)
English English: A Genius, Two Partners and a Dupe (1976)
English English: Nobody's the Greatest (1977)
English English: Nobody is perfect
German German: Nobody ist der Grösste
Hungarian Hungarian: Senki, a legnagyobb
French French: Un genie, deux associes, une cloche
Danish Danish: Nobody er den storste
Finnish Finnish: Nobody on nerokkain
Swedish Swedish: Mitt namn är fortfarande Nobody
Norwegian Norwegian: Mitt navn er fortsatt nobody
Japanese Japanese: Japanese title
Year: 1975
Terence Hill as: Joe Thanks
Directed by: Damiano Damiani
Music by: Ennio Morricone
Related movies: My name is Nobody

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A Bud Spencer Movie Tune of Flatfoot Goes East Cast of Flatfoot in Hong Kong
Italian Italian: Piedone a Hong Kong (1975)
English English: Flatfoot goes East (1975)
English English: Flatfoot in Hong Kong (1976)
German German: Plattfuss in Hong Kong
German German: Plattfuss räumt auf
German German: Buddy in Hongkong
Hungarian Hungarian: Piedone Hong-Kong-ban
Swedish Swedish: Flatfoot slår till ilgen
Danish Danish: Stromeren rykker ud
Spanish Spanish: Zapatones en Hong-Kong
Spanish Spanish: Pies Planos Va A Hong Kong
French French: Malabar explose a Hong-Kong
Dutch Dutch: De eenmansbrigade slaat genadeloos toe
Polish Polish: Wielka Stopa w Hongkongu
Year: 1974
Bud Spencer as: Inspector 'Flatfoot' Rizzo
Directed by: Steno
Music by: Guido & Maurizio De Angelis
Related movies: The Flatfoot Cop (1973)
The Knockout Cop (1976)
Flatfoot on the Nile (1979)

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A Bud Spencer Movie A Terence Hill Movie Picture of Zwei Missionare (24 kb) Cast of Don't turn the other cheek Tune of Don't turn the other cheek (228 kb) Picture of Don't turn the other cheek (28 kb) Poster of Les 2 missionaires (25 kb)
Italian Italian: Porgi l'altra guancia
English English: Two Missionaries
English English: Don't turn the other cheek
German German: Zwei Missionare
French French: Les deux missionaires
Hungarian Hungarian: Fordítsd oda a másik orcádat is
Danish Danish: Vorherres skrappe drenge
Finnish Finnish: Kaksi lähetyssaarnaajaa
Spanish Spanish: Dos Misioneros
Swedish Swedish: Två missionärer
Swedish Swedish: Trubbel i Karibien
Dutch Dutch: De vier vuisten in het geloof
Polish Polish: Dwķch misjonarzy
Year: 1974
Terence Hill as: Padre G.
Bud Spencer as: Padre Pedro
Directed by: Franco Rossi
Music by: Guido & Maurizio De Angelis

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A Bud Spencer Movie A Terence Hill Movie Cast of Watch out we're mad Picture of Watch out we're mad (19 kb) Dune Buggy (2:49, 2659 kb) 16 Screenshots from Watch out, we're mad (226 kb) Anecdotes of Watch out, we're mad Picture of Juntos son dinamita (32 kb) Cover of Pas op of we slaan erop (39 kb) Poster of Attention on va s'facher (26 kb)
Italian Italian: Altrimenti ci arrabbiamo
English English: Watch out, we're mad
German German: Zwei wie Pech und Schwefel
Spanish Spanish: Y si no, nos enfadamos
Spanish Spanish: Juntos Son Dinamita
Hungarian Hungarian: Különben dühbe jövünk
French French: Attention on va s'facher
Greek Greek: To Nou Sas kai Sas Yugame
Dutch Dutch: Pas op, of we slaan erop!
Dutch Dutch: De vier vuisten worden kwaad
Finnish Finnish: ...ja täältä pesee
Swedish Swedish: Smockan i luften
Japanese Japanese: Japanese title
Slovenia Slovenian: Pazi da ne pride do pretepa
Polish Polish: Uwaga mamy swira ! (1974)
Polish Polish: Z nami nie ma zartķw
Polish Polish: Dwķch jak smola i siarka
Year: 1973
Terence Hill as: Kid
Bud Spencer as: Ben
Directed by: Marcello Fondato
Music by: Guido & Maurizio De Angelis

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A Terence Hill Movie Picture of Nobody,but Nobody knows the trouble he's in (5 kb) Cast of My name is Nobody Picture of My name is Nobody (56 kb) My name is Nobody (3:01, 2070 kb) Anecdotes of My name is Nobody Poster of Mein Name ist Nobody (18 kb) Poster of Mein Name ist Nobody (27 kb)
Italian Italian: Il mio nome è nessuno
English English: Nobody, but "Nobody," knows the trouble he's in!
English English: My name is Nobody
English English: Lonesome gun
German German: Mein Name ist Nobody
Hungarian Hungarian: A nevem Senki
French French: Mon nom est personne
Danish Danish: Mit navn er Nobody
Spanish Spanish: Mi nombre es Nadie
Swedish Swedish: Mitt namn är Nobody
Portugese Portugese: Trinity - Ainda é meu nome
Japanese Japanese: Japanese title
Finnish Finnish: Nimeni on Nobody
Polish Polish: Nazywam sie Nobody
Year: 1973
Terence Hill as: Nobody
Directed by: Sergio Leone & Tonino Valerii
Music by: Ennio Morricone
Related movies: The Genius

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A Bud Spencer Movie Cast of Even angels eat beans Abstract of Even angels eat beans Poster of Les anges mangent aussi des fayots (22 kb)
Italian Italian: Anche gli angeli mangiano fagioli
Italian Italian: E arrivo la notte di San Valentino
English English: Even angels eat beans
German German: Auch die Engel essen Bohnen
German German: Der Dicke in Amerika
Spanish Spanish: Acá Al Capone E Hijo
Spanish Spanish: Hasta los ángeles comen judías
French French: Les anges mangent aussi des fayots
French French: Les anges aussi cognent dur
Danish Danish: Også Engle spiser Bønner
Hungarian Hungarian: Az angyalok is esznek babot
Japanese Japanese: Japanese title
Slovenia Slovenian: Tudi angeli bi jedli fizol
Year: 1973
Bud Spencer as: Charlie Smith
Directed by: Enzo Barboni
Music by: Guido & Maurizio De Angelis

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A Bud Spencer Movie Cast of Piedone lo sbirro Picture of Trinity: Tracking for trouble (27 kb) Tune of The Flatfoot Cop (181 kb; 1:10)
Italian Italian: Piedone lo sbirro
English English: The Flatfoot Cop
English English: Trinity: Tracking for Trouble
English English: A fistfull of hel
English English: Big Bad Bud
English English: Mad Bad Bud
German German: Buddy fängt nur grosse Fische
German German: Sie nannten ihn Plattfuss
Hungarian Hungarian: Piedone, a zsaru
Swedish Swedish: Flatfoot - Stans tuffaste snut
Danish Danish: Av, sikken stromer
Spanish Spanish: Pies Planos
French French: Un flic hors la loi
Polish Polish: Wielka Stopa i zbiry (1974)
Year: 1973
Bud Spencer as: Superintendent Rizzo
Directed by: Steno
Music by: Guido & Maurizio De Angelis
Related movies: Flatfoot goes East (1975)
The Knockout Cop (1976)
Flatfoot on the Nile (1979)

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A Bud Spencer Movie Cast of It can be done amigo Poster of Amigo...Mon Colt a deux mots ā te dire (26 kb) Poster of Halleluja, amigo (25 kb)
Italian Italian: Si puo' fare... amigo
English English: The Big and the Bad
English English: It can be done Amigo
English English: Can be done Amigo
English English: Bulldozer is Back Amigo
English English: Saddle Tramps
German German: Der Dicke in Mexiko
German German: Der Büffel und die Brillenschlange
German German: Halleluja, Amigo
French French: Et ainsi soit-il
French French: Amigo...Mon Colt a deux mots à te dire
Spanish Spanish: Én el Oeste se puede hacer... amigo
Spanish Spanish: ...Y asi sea
Spanish Spanish: Seamos Amigos
Danish Danish: Halleluja Amigo
Hungarian Hungarian: Vadnyugati Casanova
Year: 1972
Bud Spencer as: Coburn
Directed by: Maurizio Lucidi
Music by: Luis Enríquez Bacalov

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A Bud Spencer Movie A Terence Hill Movie Picture of All the way boys (27 kb) Picture of All the way boys (21 kb) Cast of All the way boys Song from All the way boys (208 kb; 1:18) Abstract of All the way boys Anecdotes of All the way boys Poster of Zwei Himmelhunde auf dem Weg zur Hölle (30 kb) Poster of Maintenant on l'appelle Plata (22 kb)
Italian Italian: ...Più forte ragazzi
English English: All the way boys
English English: All the way Trinity
English English: Plane crazy
German German: Zwei Himmelhunde auf dem Weg zur Hölle
Hungarian Hungarian: Mindent bele!
Spanish Spanish: Mas fuerte, muchachos
Spanish Spanish: Dos Tipos De Cuidado
Spanish Spanish: Dale Más Duro Trinity
French French: Maintenant on l'appelle Plata
Danish Danish: Gi' den hele armen
Finnish Finnish: Siitä vaan pojat
Swedish Swedish: Ös på grabbar
Swedish Swedish: Nu ger vi järnet
Dutch Dutch: De Vier Vuisten de lucht in
Norwegian Norwegian: Trinity 3
Japanese Japanese: Japanese title
Year: 1972
Terence Hill as: Plata
Bud Spencer as: Salud
Directed by: Giuseppe Colizzi
Music by: Guido & Maurizio De Angelis

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A Bud Spencer Movie Abstract of Der Sizilianer Cast of Der Sizilianer
Italian Italian: Torino nera
English English: Black Turin
English English: The young avengers
German German: Der Sizilianer
German German: Die Rache des Sizilianers
French French: La vengeance du Sicilien
Japanese Japanese: Japanese title
Year: 1972
Bud Spencer as: Rosario Rao
Directed by: Carlo Lizzani
Music by: Gianfranco & Giampiero Reverberi & Nicola di Bari

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A Terence Hill Movie Picture of Y ahora me llaman el Magnífico (48 kb) Cast of A man from the east Song from Man of the East (160 kb; 1:01) Song from Man of the East (801 kb; 1:57) Picture of Man of the east - part of Dutch cover (33 kb)
Italian Italian: E poi lo chiamarono il magnifico
English English: Man of the East
English English: A man from the East
German German: Verflucht, verdammt und Halleluja
German German: Ein Gentleman im Wilden Westen
Spanish Spanish: Y ahora me llaman el Magnífico
French French: L'homme de l'est
French French: Et maintenant, on l' appelle El Magnifico
Danish Danish: Av, min arm
Swedish Swedish: Mannen från öst
Hungarian Hungarian: Vigyázat, Vadnyugat
Japanese Japanese: Japanese title
Polish Polish: Czlowiek ze Wschodu
Year: 1972
Terence Hill as: Sir Thomas More
Directed by: E.B. Clucher
Music by: Guido & Maurizio De Angelis

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A Bud Spencer Movie Cast of A Reason To Live, A Reason To Die Abstract of A Reason To Live, A Reason To Die Poster of Sie verkaufen den Tod (24 kb) Theme from A reason to live, a reason to die (0:40; 476 kb)
Italian Italian: Una ragione per vivere, una per morire
English English: A reason to live, a reason to die
English English: Massacre at Fort Holman
German German: Sie verkaufen den Tod
German German: Der Dicke und das Warzenschwein
French French: Une raison pour vivre, une raison pour mourir
French French: La horde des salopards
Hungarian Hungarian: Élet vagy halál
Spanish Spanish: Razón para vivir y una para morir, Una (1972)
Danish Danish: De haarde halses haevn
Japanese Japanese: Japanese title
Dutch Dutch: De slag om Fort Holman
Year: 1971
Bud Spencer as: Eli Sampson
Directed by: Tonino Valerii
Music by: Riz Ortolani

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A Terence Hill Movie Cast of La collera del vento Picture of Venganza sangrienta (48 kb) Poster of Der Teufel kennt kein Halleluja (20 kb)
Italian Italian: La collera del vento
Italian Italian: Non perdono, nessuno sono
English English: Revenge of Trinity
English English: Django sees Red
English English: The wind's anger
English English: The wind's fierce (USA)
English English: Trinity sees Red (USA)
Spanish Spanish: La cólera del viento
Spanish Spanish: Venganza sangrienta
German German: Der Teufel kennt kein Halleluja
Hungarian Hungarian: A szél dühe
French French: La Colère du Vent
French French: Trinita voit rouge
Year: 1971
Terence Hill as: Marco
Directed by: Mario Camus
Music by: Augusto Martelli

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A Terence Hill Movie Cast of Il Vero E Il Falso Abstract of Il Vero E Il Falso Picture of The true and the false (39 kb) Poster of Allein gegen das Gesetz (22 kb)
Italian Italian: Il vero e il falso
English English: The true and the false
German German: Allein gegen das Gesetz
French French: Manoeuvres criminelles d'un procureur de la république
Year: 1971
Terence Hill as: Manin
Directed by: Eriprando Visconti
Music by: Giorgio Gaslini

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A Bud Spencer Movie A Terence Hill Movie Picture of Trinity is STILL my name Picture of Trinity is STILL my name Cast of Trinity is still my name Picture of Trinity is STILL my name (32 kb) DVD cover of They call me Trinity / Trinity is still my name (17 kb) Poster of Vier Fäuste für ein Halleluja (21 kb) Theme from Trinity is still my name (0:53; 623 kb)
Italian Italian: ...continuavano a chiamarlo Trinità
English English: Trinity is STILL my name
German German: Vier Fäuste für ein Halleluja
Hungarian Hungarian: A két misszionárius
French French: On continue ā l'appeler Trinita
Danish Danish: Jeg hedder stadig Trinity
Finnish Finnish: Trinity ratsastaa jälleen
Spanish Spanish: Me Seguían Llamando Trinidad (Trinity)
Swedish Swedish: Trinity klipper till igen
Dutch Dutch: Vier vuisten van de duivel
Norwegian Norwegian: Trinity slår til igjen
Japanese Japanese: Japanese title
Year: 1970/71/74
Terence Hill as: Trinity
Bud Spencer as: Bambino
Directed by: Enzo Barboni
Music by: Guido & Maurizio De Angelis
Related movies: They call me Trinity (1969)
Troublemakers (1994)

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A Bud Spencer Movie A Terence Hill Movie Picture of Blackie, the pirate (37 kb) Cast of Blackie, the pirate Title song of Blackie, the pirate Picture of Blackie, the pirate (35 kb) Picture of Blackie, the pirate (20 kb) 16 Screenshots from Blackie, the pirate (231 kb) Abstract of Blackie the pirate
Italian Italian: Il corsaro nero
English English: Blackie, the pirate
German German: Freibeuter der Meere
Spanish Spanish: El Corsario negro
Hungarian Hungarian: Blackie, a kalóz
Dutch Dutch: De duivel hale je
French French: Les deux flibustiers
French French: Le corsaire noire
French French: Deux loustics en bordée
Swedish Swedish: Svarte piraten
Finnish Finnish: Pääkallolipun alla
Slovenia Slovenian: Blackie crni gusar
Danish Danish: Den Sorte Pirat
Polish Polish: Piracki duet
Polish Polish: czarny pirat
Year: 1971
Terence Hill as: Blackie
Bud Spencer as: Skull
Directed by: Vincent Thomas
Music by: Gino Peguri & Paolo Ferrara

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A Bud Spencer Movie Cast of Four flies on grey velvet Poster of Four flies on grey velvet (18 kb)
Italian Italian: Quattro mosche di velluto grigio
English English: Four flies on grey velvet
English English: Four Patches of Grey Velvet
German German: Vier Fliegen auf grauen Samt
French French: Quatre mouches de velours gris
Japanese Japanese: Japanese title
Year: Italian: 1971; German: 1972
Bud Spencer as: Diomede (US: Godfrey)
Directed by: Dario Argento
Music by: Ennio Morricone

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1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

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